Here's What To Do After Being Pulled Over For A DUI


A police officer will usually pull over a drunk driver because the officer suspects that the drunk driver is under the influence. For example, you might have been weaving or drifting, braking erratically, stopping inappropriately, or turning illegally. When you are pulled over, there are several steps you can take to improve your situation. You May Need a Drunk Driving Attorney If the police officer decides that you're not drunk and lets you go, you won't need an attorney.

28 July 2020

The Role That Electronic Records Play In Your Personal Injury Case


When you are injured, your medical records and other forms of electronic data will play a large role in your case. In the past, medical records were largely recorded on paper. However, as hospitals have modernized, they have moved toward digital records. Therefore, the laws pertaining to the admissibility of electronic business records and computer-generated data will be relevant to you and your personal injury lawyer. Computer-Generated Data With a motor vehicle crash involving a commercial vehicle, there are several forms of computer-generated data that might be relevant to your case.

17 July 2020

Injured While Riding Your Bike? Know What To Do


While riding a bike is a great way to get around town, you do not have the same protection around your body as if you are in a car. If you get into an accident, it is more likely that you will sustain an injury and have some big medical bills as a result. Here are some things you need to know about this unique injury situation. What Do You Do After A Bike Accident?

2 July 2020

3 Things To Know About The Social Security Disability Appeals Process


Do you have a disability? Or maybe you have a medical condition that prevents you from earning income. In either of these cases, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. If you meet certain criteria for your condition, you may be able to receive anywhere from $800 to $1,800 a month. However, when you first apply for Social Security Disability, there is a good chance you will get denied. In fact, only 30 percent of Social Security Disability applicants get approved.

19 June 2020

What You Want To Know About Brain Injury Cases Due To Auto Accidents


There are many types of injuries that can happen after a car accident. While a broken arm or leg is easy to spot and diagnose, a brain injury can be much harder to handle. Here are some questions about auto accident–related brain injuries that you should know the answer to. Are There Signs Of A Brain Injury To Look Out For? If you have a loved one that was in a major auto accident, you'll want to know the signs to look out for that they have suffered some sort of brain injury.

12 June 2020

Why Should My Case Go To Trial?


The majority of car accident cases do not go to trial, and you probably do not want your personal injury case to go to trial either. While trials are more expensive and time-consuming, there are some situations where your personal injury attorney may recommend that you have your case go to trial.  Lawsuits Are Unpopular Personal injury attorneys often hear from their clients that they do not want to sue anyone.

2 June 2020

Key Reasons Why You Should Hire An Attorney After A Car Accident


Car accidents are random events that can have major effects on a person's life. In a split second, all of your plans could be thrown out the window as you and your passengers are jostled around a vehicle after a collision with another automobile. Not only is the incident itself jarring, but the aftermath can be even more tumultuous. There are so many particulars to deal with and if the collision didn't seem too serious you might be thinking about handling everything on your own.

26 May 2020

Know Your Next Steps After A Car Accident


Car accidents can happen when you least expect it, which is why it helps to know what to do if you were involved in a crash where you were injured. With a potential injury lawsuit pending, the following things will prevent you from making any mistakes. Get Immediate Medical Treatment Now is not the time to see if your pain subsides or gets worse over the next few days. You'll want to be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible to avoid any delays.

15 May 2020

Can A Police Officer Be Liable For Auto Accident Damages?


Police officers are sometimes involved in high-speed pursuits where they may collide with another motorist. In some cases, a police officer may simply make a mistake while patrolling an area and get into an accident like anyone else. When this happens, you may have a damaged car that needs repairs and expensive medical bills. You may be entitled to compensation. Do Not Admit Fault The police only have partial immunity in some circumstances after an accident and you may be able to sue the police officer or the department.

8 May 2020

Factors That Determine A Cyclist's Liability For A Car Accident


Although a cyclist might come out worse than a driver in a bike-car accident might, this doesn't mean the driver is automatically liable for the crash. Cyclists, just like other road users, must use the road with regard to other road users' safety. Below are some of the reasons that might make a cyclist liable for a bike-car crash. Leaving the Bike Lane For road sections with bike lanes, the law requires cyclists to stick to the bike lane.

29 April 2020