Understanding No-Fault Accident Claims


If you have been injured in a car accident, the way your state handles insurance claims can affect the outcome. Those living in no-fault insurance states may face a confusing situation after a wreck. If this is the case, read on for some simple explanations of what to expect as you cope with your accident situation.

The Meaning of the Term No-Fault

One confusing aspect of this term is that many think it means neither party is at fault for the accident. However, that is not the case. One party may be very much at fault. However, the motive behind this form of insurance is to simplify the way insurance claims are resolved. Those in a no-fault state will file a claim with their own insurer regardless of who caused the accident. In other states, it's the at-fault driver only that must file a claim. With a no-fault claim, no matter who was responsible, both drivers are paid for their medical expenses, vehicle repairs, and more.

The Benefits of No-Fault Insurance

As long as the accident was relatively minor and the injuries non-severe, the parties will appreciate the ease of being paid for certain losses without having to prove whether they caused the accident. In many cases, this way of resolving claims works well for both parties

The Problems With No-Fault Insurance

Limits on compensation is the main problem with a no-fault state insurance claim. That is because victims are very limited in how much money they can be paid if they depend on their own insurance. While it might be convenient to be paid quickly and easily after an accident, those using no-fault insurance may lose the ability to gain several forms of compensation available to those who file suit. For example, most no-fault insurance plans won't cover pain and suffering. They may also have limits on issues like lost income, medical expenses, and more.

Step Away From the No-Fault Scheme

In many states, accident victims can leap over the no-fault issue and file a lawsuit against the other driver's insurer. However, you may only do so if you can show that your injuries met a certain medical expense threshold and that they were very significant. That said, if you can prove this, you might be in line to be paid several times the amount of your medical expenses.

If you have been seriously injured in a no-fault insurance state, speak to a professional about your case. They can help you evaluate the financial aspects of your case and advise you on what to do next. Contact a no-fault insurance attorney for more information. 


20 September 2021

Your Questions Answered About Accident and Personal Injury Attorneys

When a person is involved in an accident that's caused by someone else, they may need to speak with an accident and personal injury attorney. Mounting costs of medical care and time off from work can cause money problems for people who are injured. Those who hire an attorney can often receive monetary compensation from the responsible party. We aren't involved in the legal profession, but we do understand the stress that injuries and medical bills can cause. We've researched legal information and written this blog to help those who are in this situation. We hope the articles on our site will answer the questions you have about accident and personal injury attorneys.